October to December is the perfect for visiting Hong Kong. It’s warm, dry and sunny. It’s a pity that in 2019 all that the outside world could see were images of gratuitous thuggery and wanton destruction of public properties glamorised in the media
Let me redress the balance and share some serene images of the Hong Kong
May law and order be restored in Hong Kong in 2020 and soon!!
十月至十二月是觀賞香港最理想的時候. 可惜在2019年外界所能看到的只是由傳媒光榮化的暴力和肆意破壞的行為.
Big Buddha at Lantau

Stanley, Hong Kong Island

Stanley Stanley

Stanley Stanley
Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery, Shatin
10,000 Buddhas Monastery 10,000 Buddhas Monastery

Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

Tsimshatsui Promenade Tsimshatsui Promenade

Christian Centre, Tao Fung Shan, Shatin

Victoria Harbour from dusk to dark

Sai Kung, Kowloon

Chi Lin Nunnery, Diamond Hill, Kowloon

Tai Po Waterfront Park, Tai Po, New Territories

The Peak, Hong Kong

Gold Coast & hotel, Tun Mun, Kowloon

Repulse Bay, Hong Kong

Repluse Bay Repluse Bay

Along the New Central Harbourfront